Monday, October 15, 2007

“THE PRESIDENT'S NATIONAL SECURITY STRATEGY” "Perfect Disaster” “Build you Own Tornado"

The Boundary Bay Morning Steamer
Boundary Bay, B.C. (
Originally Posted:
Thursday, March 16, 2006 as:
"Perfect Disaster” “Build you Own Tornado"

by; 00Buck

You have to see it. In an inspired example of the layout artist’s craft, The Washington Post today [Mar. 16, 2006] counter-posed the outline of Bush’s, “National Security Strategy”, with a promotion for the Discovery Channel’s Six Part Series, “Perfect Disaster”… “Build you Own Tornado". This stroke of journalistic genius qualifies as sublime,... or Freudian; or both; --a masterpiece.

The Post’s text & picture ‘coup de l’oeil’ shreds the flimsy, contrived veil that the Bush Administration had hung outside it’s domed temple to obscure Bush's real ambition and the rationale for the invasion of Iraq.
The text betrays his determination to destroy any person, any people, any nation, any principal, any convention, any law, that inconveniences (poses a potential threat to) American interests …even if it means laying waste as it has done, in the Cradle of Civilization, despoiling it’s cities, depreciating its artifacts as nothing more than trinkets to amuse the local looters, all the while ignorant of its 5000 year history, languages and cultures, and exultant about, “smart-bombing”, its homes, buildings and infrastructure to rubble, destroying Iraq’s economy, its domestic security and doing untolled damage to regional stability…all on bogus, hearsay charges that there was an outside chance the leader might be a potential threat; despite assurances to the contrary from competent UN observers actually on the ground.

None of the 911 crew came from Iraq; either.

In the US, no agency of any government can lob ordinance at a person’s residence, smash in, ransack and set fire to it, allow the contents to be looted, and shoot and/or imprison the occupants without a warrant. Come to think of it, they can’t even do that with a warrant; --as of this writing anyway! But when it comes to someone in a different country, with something potentially worth having on the property, American style justice degrades to unabashed, barbaric tyranny. I wonder if there is a phrase in Farsi that says, “The Philistines are back; and this time, it's personal”.

Where was Bush’s righteous rhetoric and national call to arms for Rawanda, Sudan, or any of a number of other oppressed and impoverished (no oil) nations he had to pick from? The tears of these peoples sank like drops of water to the bottom of a barrel of oil. Perishing millions were just statistics.
These and corollary utterances over the last 5 years, remove any doubt that the US has fashioned itself into a Terrorist Nation,…the ‘non plus ultra’ of the ilk; -- on the cutting edge of terrorist ideology.

This Bush, “Doctrine of Prevenge”, betrays a mindset that justifies destruction of friend and foe alike. It is a pernicious manifesto that makes the hate-mongering of Hezbollah and the Palestinians seem to skitter away like so many ‘dust devils’ by comparison.

Bush’s credo is precisely captured in this 'strategy' for global intimidation. It is a brazen threat to any defenseless country with opinions of its own; especially opinions about Yankee economic influences and interference in its affairs, … a credo backed up by its existing commitment to convert thousands of its own citizens into de facto suicide missionaries, its willingness to expend trillions of dollars of its citizens’ capital, and smarmily forsake the spirit and letter of its own constitution (a genuinely decent thing about America) in order to deprive any individual and any nation of its rights, freedoms, security, dignity and sovereignty. The US violated the UN’s charters of rights, ignored its proscriptions about what constitutes justification for war, just as Germany flaunted its power when it violated the Treaty of Versailles, prohibiting it from building up arms.

Like the Gestapo (Feb. 10, 1936), this Administration has positioned itself above the law, and may Heaven help anyone willing to risk being labeled a threat to national security, and branded as a traitor or a terrorist if they object. The backlash that is destined to follow this proclamation will not easily be dismissed as just more, “America Bashing”, or squealing from alarmist malcontents or political adversaries. The, “Doctrine of Prevenge”, is official policy;… the, “Reichstag”, speech of 1939; edited for Americans, and aimed at Arabs and anyone else who gets in the way.

Undoubtedly, spin doctors on Capitol Hill are already weaving patches into the fabric of the veil; contriving ways to depreciate those who would take this Strategic Policy Statement as further justification to attack the United States… and undoubtedly many Americans will get sucked into the spin cycle just as they have done for the last 70 years.

But comparable, “Fact Sheets”, being prepared in every OTHER country on the planet will not likely bend to these suasions; or render assessments in ambiguous rhetoric;… the Bush message can’t be ‘misinterpreted’ to seem to justify violence, by virtue of its own reasoning, IT IS JUSTIFICATION FOR AN IMMEDIATE CALL TO WAR AGAINST THE US by any nation or affiliation that perceives the US as a threat.

To those for whom Bush’s premises seem reasonable, whether Christian, Jew, Muslim or Atheist, if the US is perceived as posing a threat to any nation’s style of government, its preferred religions, its economic interests or its sovereignty, even it’s cherished privileges, the office and the mouth of the President has published good and righteous reasons for that nation to lay a thermonuclear egg in a Manhattan High Rise Coop and blow the living crap out of NY and the American economy. This would render it’s world power status, its potential threat to all nations, on a par with Paraguay for the next 50 odd years. What’s sauce for the goose …! Sanctioned by the official government seal, the US is now demanding the world play by its rules, “Bush’s Law”… may God help us!

The will and purpose of the Presidents Strategy is clearly to bruit a statement of intent; America’s intent to purge the world of irritants (defenseless ones that is), purify the globe to make it suitable for further economic hegemony …invade when desirable (remember Czechoslovakia and Poland in 1939?)…confiscate (occupy) property…create concentration camps (Gitmo, Abu Ghraib and assorted locations in Europe and elsewhere) ...gas, cremate (Shock & Awe, the Bomb!) …dehumanize foreign citizens … all the while arrogating unto itself the absolute and unassailable right to do so on any trumped up charge it can conveniently suborn.

“The Beer Hall Putch”, “Mein Kamf”, the “Reichstag” speech, all put forth vile contemptuous doctrine. Civilized Humanity dismissed it all,-- just couldn’t swallow it. It was seen as sheer madness, the ravings of a lunatic, destined for political and literary oblivion. That was a big mistake.
The invasion of Iraq was executed with even less justification than the invasion of Czechoslovakia and Poland. Like Adolf, George has emboldened himself by proclaiming victories (Pyrrhic though they be) and now he feels free to disclose his rationale (?). His “National Security Strategy”, is codified doctrine, anointed by proclamation to be righteous, and fit for the masses to embrace and take comfort in.

As was Hitler, Bush is also supported by arms manufacturers, oil companies, the industrial war machine (Halliburton, Carlisle Gp., KBR et. al) and corporations enticed by the prospect of seizing immense wealth. Bush’s Presidency is become a carbon copy of the career of the most vilified human being of the Twentieth Century. If history is correct, G. W. is just about as intellectually gifted; too.

Hollywood, and the publishing industry’s reluctance to provide fact-based educational material to American students (if it makes the US look bad)… has led the Nation to a sorry pass. Americans have an astoundingly warped view of their own history and of themselves as a people; a people now as ‘ripe for the pickins’ for the likes of George W. as Weimar Germany was for Heir Adolf. Bush & Co. is as out of touch with reality as a, “dry drunk”, 'jonesing' like crazy for want of a swig.

Prove me wrong; the majority of Americans still think The US won the War in Europe and liberated the continent from fascist tyranny. Yanks can’t understand why everyone else on the planet is pretty much disgusted with this exagerated claim, considers them boorish and moronic, and isn’t in the slightest bit impressed by incessant Yankee haranguing about what a magnanimous and glorious performance it gave in that theatre. No one would diminish the sacrifices in blood and life made by American Service men and women. It's just that 'Americanology' ignores the heroic sacrifices of everyone else.

Here’s the problem, or part of it: for those who are less imperfectly informed than Americans born after WW II, these much vaunted assertions about American virtue and sacrifices as portrayed by the media (comic books included), by Hollywood celluloid heroes, by blatant propaganda, and especially as articulated in what passes as History in American school books, leaves everyone else clinically queasy, pawing our pockets for Gravol.

Here is one reason why:
Jan 30, 1939 - Hitler threatens Jews during “Reichstag” speech.
Sept 1, 1939 - Nazis invade Poland.
Sept 3, 1939 - Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany.
Sept 5, 1939 - United States proclaims neutrality; German troops cross the Vistula River in Poland.
Sept 10, 1939 - Canada declares war on Germany; Battle of the Atlantic begins.
Dec 7, 1941 - Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor; Hitler issues the Night and Fog decree.
Dec 8, 1941 - United States and Britain declare war on Japan.
Dec 11, 1941 - Germany declares war on the United States.

During the 27 months after Britain and Canada, (or, “Canukistan”, as former presidential candidate Pat Buchanan would prefer Americans call it!) declared war on Germany, the US assumed the position of “armed neutrality”. What buds!
Europeans and the Allies could go straight to the Devil as far as The US was concerned and President Roosevelt made no bones about it. American industry did, however enjoy lucrative business exploits, indenturing Britain, Germany and Italy for arms, oil, electronics, appliances, nylons (and other explosive materials) etc., for more than 2 years. US multinationals such as Phillips, Dupont and Shell were making a killing (after their own fashion) and were proud of it. When other Allied Nations annually recite the phrase “Lest we forget” at cenotaphs, be assured, they haven’t forgotten. Only in America is American venality forgotten, world history rendered a palimpsest by collective denial, -- literally overwritten in American cultural history.

Contrast this ‘sorry-ass tale’ of selfish preoccupation with what happened when Japan attacked Pear Harbor; -- a remote American ‘get-away’ in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. 99.9% of the world’s population couldn’t have found it in Rand McNally with a magnifying glass. Nevertheless, in less than 24 hours, Britain and Canada declared war on Japan!! They (we) didn’t wait 27 months to see how we might ghoulishly work our American friends’ calamity to our economic advantage.
When Hitler trampled Czechoslovakia and Poland, two vital nations with centuries of history and importance to the Western World, there was no galactic proclamation from The Hill about, “A day… that shall live… in infamy.” But damage to a tiny, quasi-American port on a nearly invisible island was instantly magnified to blasphemy; as if the very foundation of Divine Creation had been shaken.

Three days after Pearl Harbor, even Hitler could stomach American hypocrisy, venality, and greed no longer. GERMANY DECLARED WAR ON THE UNITED STATES; a fact so outrageous it is believed to be heresy by many Americans. It does not sit well when they are first acquainted with it. The US did not initiate hostilities against, “The Third Reich”, and strong evidence exists that it wouldn’t have ventured into the fracas as long as there was still money to be got by staying out of it. Vainglorious striding about the Earth as under appreciated saviors of Western Civilization, makes Americans look foolish and rather dim of wit.

When the US was finally dragged into the war kicking at the goads, a war Germany was already well on the way to losing all by itself; it did so just in time to pretend to the lion’s share of the credit, --- and the spoils.

The only way out of Germany’s crippling debt in the 1920’s was for Hitler/Germany to declare war; “World War”;… yet the Reich’s debt pales to insignificance when compared to the current 8 trillion dollars the US is “officially” [1] in arrears … $26,000 for every man, woman and child legally in the country based upon the last census. The Government's own tally puts the lie to this. The actual Federal Fiscal Exposure is over $46 trillion. [2]

The illusion of current prosperity is simply the effect of mortgaging the future at a rate of $2 billion a day. The collapse of the American Automotive industry is imminent, and with it the collapse of confidence in the US Dollar and the Stock Market. What is on the horizon might well make events following Oct. 29, 1929 look like a high-dive played in ‘slow-mo’. One might think this is not the time to go looking for trouble. But one is not Bush & Co, is one?

Bush’s, “Security Strategy”, makes the United States ideologically and militarily indistinguishable from Germany in the months leading up to WW II.
The arrogation of counter-constitutional executive privilege, and now this, “Doctrine of Prevenge”, are calculated to generate increasing paranoia within, and to inspire unprecedented enmity, fear and hatred among foreign peoples already retching over American foreign policy. In the minds of the Bush Administration, by inciting attacks on US soil they might well provoke the justification they need to demand even more power, to insult the spirit of Constitution even more egregiously, and to justify hegemony on an even greater scale.

George, Dick, Donald and their tribe are positioned to exploit this ‘last ditch effort’ for its potential to incite hostilities before the economy collapses, a collapse that threatens their security by taking with it the billions and billions they and their lot have extorted, embezzled and exploited while presiding over the destruction of what was the most powerful nation on earth.
This is the stuff and substance of Bush’s, “Security Strategy”, a Tornado (Blitzkrieg); “A Perfect Disaster”. The WP’s layout is not only ingenious and sublime, it is prophetic.

United States Government Accountability Office
Washington, DC 20548
December 14, 2005
p. 28


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